Mac Thornberry is the Republican representative from Texas' 13th Congressional District in the U.S. Thornberry sought re-election in 2018. Based on analysis of multiple outside rankings, Thornberry is an average Republican member of Congress, meaning he. House Armed Services Committee chairman Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) traveled to Europe in mid-April with several members of Congress to visit troops stationed overseas and to meet with our. H.Res.58 — 114th Congress (2015-2016) Providing amounts for the expenses of the Committee on Armed Services in the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress. Sponsor: Rep. Thornberry, Mac [R-TX-13] (Introduced ) Cosponsors: Committees: House - House Administration Latest Action: House - Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.
2015-01-20T20:18:45-05:00 House Armed Services Chair Mac Thornberry (R-TX) outlined the committee’s defense policy and national security agenda for the 114th Congress. His top concerns include sequestration, cyberattacks and the need to reform the acquisition process by cutting duplicative practices and waste. Former Senator Jim Talent (R-MO) moderated. (R-TX) outlined the committee’s defense policy and national security agenda for the 114th.
Torin Halsey/Times Record News The veteran congressman and chairman of the House Armed Services Committee beat out challengers Calvin DeWeese, libertarian, and Green Party candidate H.F. “Rusty” Tomlinson, by an overwhelming majority with early results showing him with more than 90 percent of the votes. Thornberry was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1994. Thornberry said the military will continue to be his focus, specifically working on issues that directly affect the lives of men and women serving in uniform. Rebuilding an effective fighting force and reforming defense acquisition to rein in spending are also top priorities. But, there are other areas, he said, that are negatively affecting the lives of Americans that need Congress’s attention in the months and years moving forward.
“I think however the presidential race turns out, Obamacare is collapsing so you’ve got this whole health care mess that’s going to have to be addressed, and an economy that’s still pretty sluggish,” he said. “Some employment numbers came out last week that looked better, but overall it (the economy) has never performed the way it could, so that means everybody suffers. Incomes aren’t as high. Jobs aren’t created as much. “So, there’s a lot of work to be done regardless of how the top of the ticket turns out.” Thornberry said whichever of the top two candidates - Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump - is elected, they both enter the job with political weaknesses.
He said both parties ended up nominating unpopular individuals, but he is hopeful they enter office with a different stance than President Barack Obama, which Thornberry described as a “do as I want to” approach by the president instead of working with Congress. Republicans are expected to retain their majority in the House, but it’s much closer in the Senate, where some have predicted the upper chamber could be a 50/50 split by the end of the night. Regardless, Thornberry said the House will continue working on Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s “A Better Way” plan, which focuses on positive change regarding poverty, national security, the economy, the Constitution, health care and tax reform. “We’ve laid that out in the spring and summer, we’ve been talking about it (and) listening to people so that’s going to be what the House pursues,” he said. “Then we’ll see about the Senate and the White House as far as getting it all the way through, but that’s going to be the direction the House goes.” Thornberry said there’s a tremendous amount of frustration among Americans who feel like no one in Washington, D.C., is listening, and it’s up to Congress to get to work for the American people. He said it’s frustrating for House members because they have passed a multitude of bills, but the Senate hasn’t taken a large majority of the bills to the floor for a vote. He said the country needs to see a functioning government that is able to work together to address issues.
“I’m hopeful that we can actually get some things done,” he said. “Now, what gets done is going to depend on who gets elected and how much we can agree (on). There’re lots of details. But still I think the country wants to see progress and, hopefully, we can do that.” Follow John Ingle on Twitter at @inglejohn1973.